How to review your Aura & Chakras for a better life.

My usual blogs are about food and wine, but this one’s different. It’s about your Aura & Chakras and how to improve your health by knowing yourself. We are all spirits (energy) born into a temporary body, to allow our souls to learn, grow, give and help others. This is my opinion and how I view life. Our energy radiates through and out of our bodies creating Auras. Auras present themselves as colors, and I can see the colors.
I see colors when I concentrate on a person. Sometimes the color is overwhelming. Let me explain…
I don’t usually see a bright light radiating around a person (but I have), I see their color in my mind. Here is an example – think about the beach, do you see a picture of a blue ocean in your mind, the white on the waves, the tan sandy beach? That’s what I see. I may look at you and see a bright ruby gemstone with blue flickers in my mind, or a green field, a bright yellow sun. I may see a pink squares or a gray mist like a rainy day. The possibilities are endless. Most people I encounter have a base Aura color that rarely changes, it may have different intensities, hues and secondary colors but the overall color doesn’t change. I can tell if someones internal Chakras are in trouble because their Aura is dull or not as bright.
These external colors are called Auras, and they are important because they show your personality & health based on the energy you emit. Everyone also has internal colors called Chakras, these 7 colors balance your mental and physical health. Both of these colors directly relate to your overall health.
By the way I don’t connect with spirits who have passed over, but I know they are around and have had some experiences with them. I want to concentrate on the living and helping people understand how to improve their life and health through what I see. We all have to continually balance our Chakras to stay healthy and in balance. Life is an evolutionary journey, and at times it’s easy to get off our path because of the circumstances we face. When I reflect back on my life I notice the hardest battles I’ve fought have been with myself. My biggest challenge is letting go and letting God.
I have always seen these colors but have never really known what they mean. Even as a young child I remember my Dad and seeing him as the color red. He was a passionate man who know exactly what he did and didn’t like. I just recently started researching Auras and Chakras to learn what the colors mean to others. I think the colors I see do correspond to the explanations of Auras and Chakras I’ve researched.
How to see your Aura & Chakras:
- Think about yourself while you read the below statements:
- I am at peace with myself, stressful situations don’t bother me, I’m healthy and happy, and spiritual.
- I feel connected to God, have a sixth sense, empathy for others, and it’s easy for me to learn.
- I have lots of love and purpose in my life. At times life is hard and I work through it.
- I have been sad & life has been horrible for a long time, I’ve had one of the following happen and I’m having a hard time getting over it; a death, job loss or related problem, divorce or relationship issue, child problem etc.
- I’m an introvert, hard worker, sincere, love the outdoors, like TV, at times I’m a little self-centered.
- I have a non curable disease and know that my time left on this earth is limited. I have no energy.
- I have a 6th sense & know before anyone else when something is going to happen.
- I am loyal, able to love deeply, intelligent, creative, a little introverted, calm on the outside but sensitive inside.
- I like to help heal people (mentally or physically), I am compassionate and need peace in my life.
- I am happy, intelligent, feel like I’m filled with sunshine, and I’m bursting with great ideas to help others.
- I have courage, love food, am sensual, ambitious in life and have a good heart and want to help people.
- I have great passion about lots of things, life, work, politics, possessions, art, creativity, food, love and helping others.
- Which of the above statements resonate with you the most?
- Read the Auras & Chakras Guides that I have summed up from many sources below. We all have some of the traits but usually have more of a particular statement.
- Next see if you can visualize your own colors.
- Then visualize areas in your mind and body that need strengthening and/or releasing. Create balance & harmony in your life by taking control of your body, mind & spirit! Balance your Aura and Chakras with food, exercise, yoga, hormones, sunlight, positive thoughts, journaling, and medical advise if needed.
If you have trouble identifying your Aura, send me a photo or a video and I might be able to read it and let you know what I see 🙂
Auras Guide
1. White – Enlightenment, a Healing Color, Perfect Balance.
You have a White Aura if you are at peace with yourself, can heal and serve others, connected with God, radiate love , you don’t let stress bother you, and are happy and healthy.
- White inspires the path of Love and Light.
- People who radiate the Crown Chakra project we are all one and connected to God.
- To increase white – with meditation, yoga, prayer, exercise and balanced foods from all Chakra groups.
2. Violet – Wisdon, Spiritual and Intuition
You have a Violet Aura if knowledge comes easily to you, you have a sixth sense, feel connected to God, and have empathy for others.
- Violet radiates wisdom and a second sense, you may be walking down a street a feel someone is watching you, you turn around and someone is there.
- To increase Violet – meditation, yoga, prayer, exercise and balanced foods from all Chakra groups
- Violet opens the Consciousness Center Chakra – opening us to empathy, love, connection to God and helping others.
3. Pink – Love, Sincerity, Friendship, Suffers Internally, Self-centered
You have a Pink Aura if you love others, friends can count on you, passionate about fulfilling your life purpose.
- Pink personalities pull people towards them and make great friends. Pink is a derivative of the red Aura. If a Pink Aura person is having personal problems they obsess/self absorbed over them and need to pay special attention to overcome.
- To increase Pink – meditation, yoga, prayer, exercise and balanced foods from all Chakra groups but focusing on yellow for joy, orange for self worth and red for energy.
- The Pink Aura opens the throat Chakra associated with communication, honesty, creativity and integrity.
4. Gray – Sadness, Depression, Exhaustion, Low Energy, Skepticism
You have a gray Aura if you have been depressed for a while because of life’s circumstances. You can pull yourself out of this Aura by loving yourself, healing diet, getting professional help with therapy & medication, you can wean off medication when you are in a better place. Get in the Sun right away and pay special attention to your diet. No sugar or items made with flour!
- Be patient with gray auras, they may be sick, had a death or sickness in their family or other recent bad event like a loss of a job, or some other trouble or loss.
- To balance a Gray Aura: Yellow (Joy) Chakras need attention and foods from all Chakras should be increased as well as other treatments such as yoga, exercise, meditation, prayer and conventional medication and therapy.
5. Brown – Earthy, Sincere, Gentle Heart, Self-involvement, Opinionated, Greed
You have a Brown Aura if you are an introvert, love the outdoors, like TV, love animals, and wish you knew why someone was upset with you.
- You are in touch with yourself, know what you want, and are a hard worker.
- To be more balanced all Chakras need attention and foods from all Chakras should be increased. Focus on Yellow for joy and Orange for self worth.
6. Black – Lacking Energy, Illness, Imminent Death
You have a Black Aura if you have a non curable illness, know you are close to crossing over, see family or friends who have passed to the next life. Keep your faith and trust in God, our life’s journey is planned, it may or may not be your time. Each day is a gift, live life to the fullest you can concentrating on love, family, friends, pets, and whatever brings you joy.
- If your Chakra is black you are sick and need healing.
- To decrease black: focus on healing, all Chakras need attention, eat from all Chakra color foods, focus on prayer, meditation, positive thoughts, yoga & exercise if possible.
7. Indigo – Highly Intuitive, Seeker, Deep Connection to Spirit
You have an Indigo Aura if you have always known what you wanted to do with your life, accept people as they are knowing they have faults, have a feeling something is going to happen & it does, you get frustrated when a friend/co-worker/family member doesn’t live up to their potential because you know what they are capable of.
- Knows, feels that we are all connected.
- Has learned to love unconditionally, and understands our life journey and the potential in all human beings.
- To increase Indigo: focus on prayer, meditation, all food Chakras, yoga & exercise.
- Indigo opens the Third Eye chakra and helps us to “see” that love and peace is possible.
8. Blue – Loyal, Spiritual, Creative, Sensitive, Kind, Moody
You have a Blue Aura if you are loyal, intelligent, creative, a little introverted, calm on the outside but sensitive inside.
- Blue is a cool and soothing color that represents a teacher and someone who is intuitive, sensitive, patient and kind, but can be moody, and susceptible to depression. If you sleep too much, you may produce to much melatonin.
- To decrease blue: balance with yellow joy food Chakras.
- To increase blue: focus on eating calming blue food Chakras.
- Blue opens the Throat Chakra and teaches us communication through truth with quiet integrity.
9. Green – Healing, Peaceful, Compassion, Deceitful, Jealous
You have a Green Aura if you have the ability to help heal people (mentally or physically), you are compassionate and need peace in your life.
- You enjoy making people, animals feel better and love the earth and nature.
- You have a strong connection and are creative. You posses a vivid imagination which can sometimes get you into trouble. You love life.
- To increase Green: focus on eating green foods.
- To decrease Green: focus on eating Yellow foods to create more joy! Just in case you imagination is running wild 🙂
- Green opens the Heart chakra and guides us to be giving.
10. Yellow – Happy, Optimistic, Intellectual, Friendly, Indecisive, Easily Led
You have a Yellow Aura if you are happy, filled with sunlight, intelligent, bursting with energy and great ideas to help others.
- You are really healthy, have a great immune system and will have a long and productive life.
- With so many ideas you may get off track sometimes and be led by others in the wrong direction.
- To increase Yellow: focus on eating yellow foods.
- To decrease Yellow: focus on eating blue calming foods to balance this Chakra.
- Yellow opens the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra and helps us to focus and find the most positive solution.
11. Orange – Self-control, Courage, Ambition, Thoughtfulness, Can be Lazy
You have an Orange Aura if you have courage, love food, are sensual, ambitious in life, have a good heart and want to help people.
- Sometime you can have a lack of will or be a little lazy.
- To increase Orange: focus on eating red foods to increase your lack of will and give yourself strength.
- To decrease Orange: If you are too ambitious focus on blue foods to increase calmness.
- Orange is personal power & opens the Sacral chakra to courage.
12. Red – Strong Emotions, Passion, Love, Anger, Fear, Ego, Strengthening, Lack of Control
You have a Red Aura if you are passionate about lots of things, life, work, politics, possessions, food, love and helping others.
- People with Red Auras struggle with balancing emotions, ego, and being accountable for their choices.
- To boost Red: focus on eating red foods to increase passion.
- To decrease Red: if your emotions are too strong, eat blue calming foods.
- Red opens the Root chakra to release energy that runs to the core of our Soul. Red can be used for healing or suffering.
There are time when all us feel bad, depressed, anxious, hurt, sick, tired, lazy, not confident, frustrated or emotional. Eat the color of the rainbow to feel better and balance your Chakras. The below is a list of the 7 Chakras outlining how they affect you and what foods to eat to help you balance them. Chakras start at the top of your head and work there way down to the end of your spine.
Chakras Guide
& Foods to eat based on how you are feeling.
1. Violet or White for Cosmic Consciousness Center & STRENGTH (Sahasrara Chakra)
This is your spirituality and enlightenment and what connects us to God, but also anchors us to life. This is also called the “I AM” Center. We are here to learn our souls purpose, be happy, love and help others, and enjoy the fruits of our labor. If this connection with God is weak you may feel a sense of being alone. If this Chakra is strong you will feel an inner light within the deepest part of your being.
Foods: Choose organic, pure foods. Don’t eat sweets, detox with plenty of water, green tea, ginger, smoothies made with spinach pineapple and Stevia, eggplant, purple cauliflower, mushrooms, garlic, ginger, onion, lychee, coconut and other tropical fruits, purple cabbage and healthy proteins such as nuts. Do not eat processed, packaged food with additives.
Location: Top of the head, Sense: of empathy, Element: Inner Light
2. Indigo, Midnight Blue for PEACE (Third-Eye Chakra) Consciousness Awareness Center, Ajna
The third eye Chakra stimulates and unites both sides of your brain opening us up to imagination, wisdom , knowledge and intuition. An open third eye opens you to positive energy and wisdom to help you with your life journey. To stimulate your third eye eat purple healthy foods, be open to receive love and give love to others and animals. Continue to pray, meditate, practice yoga and exercise.
Foods: eggplant, purple cabbage, purple kale, concord grapes, purple carrots, black grapes.
Location: Center of the forehead, Sense: ESP, Element: Inner Sound (our inner thoughts) needed for spiritual growth.
3. BLUE for CALMING (Throat Chakra) – Cornucopia Center, Visuddha
A healthy Throat Chakra allows us to communicate effectively, share our feelings and express what we believe in, even if it means confrontation with others. When we are in good health with an open spirit we are able to receive spiritual guidance and inspiration (ask and you shall receive-activate your throat Chakra). If you are having thyroid gland problems this Chakra is out of balance.
Foods: blueberries or blackberries, black cherries, eggplant, black olives. Blue and black foods help to detoxify the kidneys and help to elicit honest communication.
Location: Base of the throat, Sense: Hearing, Element: Ether (5th element – energy that surrounds us – take advantage of God and spiritual guides/energy that are here to help you)
4. EMERALD GREEN for REJUVENATION (Heart Chakra) Living Love Center, Anahata
If you are overworked, stressed, have adrenal fatigue, an acidic ph level and are low on energy you need to heal your heart Chakra. You need to alkaline your body fast! This Chakra is in charge of your immune system so be kind to it. A strong immune system helps keep away cancer.
Foods: Go green by eating: kale, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, limes, green olives, melons, guacamole, green grapes, pears, collard greens, mixed green salad. Make a salad or smoothie and start feeling great due to the live enzymes, oxygen and chlorophyll that your body is gratefully receiving. Remember to also nourish yourself with love and positive energy.
Location: Middle of the Chest, Sense: Touch, Element: Air
5. YELLOW for JOY (Solar Plexus Chakra) Power Center, Manipura
If you are feeling depressed, sad or emotional, your Yellow Chakra is out of balance. Take a look at your face in the mirror, are your eyes bright or dull? Eyes are the window to the soul. This Chakra is all about how you feel about your self-worth, confidence, self-esteem, charging up your personal power and freedom of choice. If you are feeling low make sure you incorporate the below foods along with exposure to the sun, vitamin D, prayer, yoga, exercise, and meditation.
Foods: bananas, turmeric, saffron, nuts, sweet corn on the cob, some fresh pineapple, lemons, or some yellow peppers, real 100% cheeses (no cheese food), yellow apples. Yellow is a natural mood enhancer so eat something bright!
Location: Solar plexus (stomach & skin) Sense: Eyesight, Element: Fire and the Sun
This Chakra is located below the navel and is associated with the emotional body, desire for pleasure, food and sex. If you retain emotions you may retain water causing bloating. Learn to feel and deal with your emotions. If you are feeling low, down on yourself, feeling unworthy of love, or bloated eat something orange!
Foods: like mandarin oranges, mangoes, cantaloupe, carrots, squash, pumpkin, orange peppers, sweet potatoes and yams will all make a big impact on your feelings.
Location: Reproductive system, Sense: Sense of taste, appetite, Element: Water
7. Red for ENERGY & Security Center (Root Chakra)
Balances our immune system, survival instincts and security. When we are fearful of something (health, money, job, relationships) we lose energy and deplete this Chakra. If you are experiencing fear as terror then you need to reboot your root Chakra ASAP through tapping into your inner strength with diet, prayer, meditation, yoga, and exercise.
Foods: Red foods such as pomegranates, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, red cabbage, beets, red grapes and a glass red wine 😉 will help to boost your energy levels and body temperature.
Location: The end of the torso, Sense: Smell, Element: Earth
Let me know if you want to know your color :).
Namaste – Carrie
I have several health principles that I follow:
- Avoid anything made with sugar (sugar is more addictive than cocaine) and flour
- If you eat meat try to eat organic and small portions
- Avoid processed food
- Get at least 10,000 steps every day
- Practice prayer, meditation, and yoga
- Eat fresh vegetables and fruit
- Get enough Calcium, Vitamin D & Magnesium
- See a Doctor and take medication if necessary
- Journal your life events (I keep a food calendar & journal on my smart phone)
- I pray & meditate before getting out of bed in the morning:
- I pray to God and my spirit guides for myself and my family & friends
- to give love and receive love in all that we do
- for safety, good health, and success in all that we do
- to have fun and prosper to meet our needs
- and to not be enamored by material things
Cheers to your health – Carrie