Best Tasting Sweet Sparkling Wine & Champagne

Sparkling-white-wine-Conde-de-CaraltMy favorite sparkling wine

I recently went to Total Wine for one of their Saturday wine tastings.  I was in luck because they were featuring champagnes and sparkling wines. Most of the sparkling wines and champagnes I’ve tried in the past have been dry or “brut” (the term used in identifying the dryness in champagne). I usually like champagne best in a Mimosa where the orange juice sweetens the drink.

The sparkling white wine I liked best was Conde de Caralt a sweet sparkling wine from Spain. It is delicious and refreshing. I’m so happy Total Wine has tastings because I probably wouldn’t have bought this wine without one. I have a bad habit of buying wine because of the bottle or label. I have learned that just because a wine has a beautiful, cute, or funny label doesn’t mean it will taste good. The  Conde de Caralt label is plain and white and understated, but the wine is the complete opposite. It’s sweet and clean, with bright sparkling flavors of apple and peach with just the right acidity.

I would pair this with an appetizer such as bruschetta or anything with a salty finish because of the amazing flavors brought out when contrasting the sweetness of the wine to the saltiness of the food.

Conde de Caralt Semi-Seco Cava

$9.99 at

Country/State  Spain
Region  Cava
Type  Champagne/Sparkling  Wine


Champagne-segura-viudas-reserva-heredad-brut-cava-catalonia-spainI have to admit, this was the wine I was looking forward to tasting the most. It has a beautiful bottle, and I wanted to like it the most! It’s a dry wine and a little too dry for me. If you like dry champagne and want to impress you should buy Segura Viudas Brut Heredad Reserva it’s got a beautiful bottle and tastes nice considering it’s a dry wine. It is a mellow, medium bodied wine, with fruity undertones. It would make a great wedding or anniversary present.


Segura Viudas Brut Heredad Reserva

$17.99 at

Country/State  Spain
Region  Cava
Type  Champagne/Sparkling Wine

If you are looking for a champagne or sparkling wine to ring in the new year, either of these would be an excellent choice.

Happy New Years Eve, I wish you health & happiness in 2015.

Cheers – Carrie




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