What’s for dinner?

We all face the same food questions every day.cuvee

What can I eat that tastes good?

What is easy to make?

What will everyone like? 

What will help me lose weight or at least won't make me gain weight?

Since being on my low carb, low sugar and no flour diet I can report that I feel wonderful. I will always miss these highly addictive foods, but I feel so much better and healthier since I have reduced or eliminated them from my diet. At first it was a little difficult to come up with recipes because it takes a little time to research and plan. I want to help those of you who would like to try this diet by sharing some of my recipes.

These are recipes and photos of meals from my everyday life that are quick, easy, taste great and have helped me lose weight, but more importantly this diet has lowered my blood pressure and given me more energy.

To me dinner is not complete without a glass of wine. A fruit forward red wine that pairs well with almost all these meals is Trader Joe's Ocarossa Cuvee Rosso from Italy. This is a soft dry medium bodied red wine with cherry notes for only $5.99.

Cheers - Carrie

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