Christmas Wine Game

Christmas Wine Game

3 White Wines & 3 Red Wines


It is always fun to try new wines with a blind wine tasting game. So for all you wine lovers here is an easy tasting game for your holiday party. You can keep it simple by having folks only mark the wines they like and see which wine becomes the winner. Or you can make it a little harder by having folks guess the wines. Both options are on my provided sheet. Make sure you start with the white wines. I love blind wine tastings because I’m not influenced by the label, only the taste. Start out by purchasing wines of various quality and sweetness to make the wines more distinguishable. For my family Christmas party I’m bringing the following Whites: Chardonnay (oak flavor), Moscato (sweet), and a Vouvray Chenin Blanc (fruity-one of my favorite wines EVER!!!!!). For the Reds I’m bringing a Merlot (mellow), Shiraz (spicy) and a Burgundy Pinot Noir (light but packed with dark fruit & earthy flavors).  I think one of the French wines will win, but who knows.

Game Directions:

  • Buy 3 white wines and 3 red wines and a bunch of small plastic cups.
  • Cover the bottles and label them on the outside by their color and a number (W-1, W-2, W-3, R-1, R-2, R-3)
  • Give everyone 3 cups and pour samples of all 3 white wines into their cups.
  • Have everyone taste the white wines first and write down on my provided PDF sheet their favorite wine and guess the wine names.
  • Then pour the red wine samples for everyone to taste and guess again.
  • After everyone is finished tasting and writing, review the sheet and see who guessed the most wines correctly and see what wines tasted the best.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.


Cheers – Carrie




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